“We are turning the property world upside down, so it can finally be the right side up”
We believe small innovations at the right time can lead to big transformations.
The Seller side of the property industry is now ripe for it having been left out of the first digital wave
that brought property buyers online in the last decade.
We are enabling the supply side, the Sellers, the Agents and Professionals,
to transform how properties are presented and brought to market,
immediately benefiting sellers and agents on cost, efficiency and performance effectiveness of mandates.
Over time with wider adoption, it will impact and benefit the entire industry, including buyers
We believe every Home has a Story, and those who connect and resonate with that Story will most cherish its living. Our Vision is to see homes presented online with their genuine story and authentic feel, so that seekers can quickly and accurately find their deeper connection, the Home they would love to live in.
Our Mission is to remove the legacy barriers in the property market and open up new pathways, while expanding and enriching the existing ones, through technology that enables the sellers, buyers, estate agents and other industry professionals.
We aim to become a premiere global proptech platform facilitating how people present and discover Homes. Our first milestone is the premium property market in London, where our platform has gone live, and already hosts some of the most beautiful homes in the city.